How to Register

Step 1: Pay Your Registration Fee

The first thing you'll do is visit Eventbrite to pay your registration fee.

Remember, if you are signing up to fundraise and challenge the wings, you can bring one (1) guest with you for  moral support! Any additional guests will need to purchase their own ticket.

Step 2: Check Your Email

Once you've paid your fee, you'll get a confirmation email from Eventbrite. Look for it in your inbox.

Step 3: Find the Link

In the email, you will see details about your tickets/registration fee. Scroll to the bottom, and under Additional Information, you will see a link to the online fundraising platform. Click on that to the fundraising platform.

Step 4: Fill in Additional Registration Details

The link will bring you to the Ring of Fire fundraising platform, where you can go through the rest of the registration process. Don’t forget to let us know if you have any allergies!

Step 5: Create and Personalize Your Fundraising Page

The process will lead you straight into personalizing your own fundraising page. Adjust the name, add your photo, write a personal message - make it your own!

That’s it! You’re all registered and ready to start fundraising!

If you have any trouble, email for assistance!